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tv   The Last Word  MSNBC  September 11, 2012 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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son who loves his dad. and as for the other several hundred thousand pennsylvaniians who won't be able to vote, well, for you there's just one last hope. thursday of this week, pennsylvania supreme court will consider the constitutionality of this new law and whether pennsylvania's new definition of what it means to be legally entitled to vote is as outrageous for everyone as it is for the people who are getting bad press he doesn't like. we will keep you posted on that. now it's time for "the last word" with lawrence odonl. >> tonight there's only one word. and that word is, panic. >> the romney campaign is telling supporters not to worry. >> the romney campaign a little
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defensive. >> mitt romney should be up by five, six points. >> lar ra ingram. >> >> gives a dressing down to the romney campaign. >> you know the way to stop the doubters? start winning. >> romney is behind in this race. >> the goal of the campaign was to be the generic candidate. >> campaigns do matter and candidates do matter. >> the debates this is what we need to focus on now. >> october 3rd might be the most important day of the campaign, the first debate. >> the next defining moment. >> if you have a human being running against a robot, who wins? >> america must lead the free world. the free world must lead the entire world. >> and again he disa.ed. >> we have a presidential candidate and a vice president candidate. >> i voted to send men and woman to war. >> paul rooiven's credit rating may soon hit junk bond status. >> a second ratings agency threatened to down grade
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america's debt. >> congressional republicans are getting no love. >> i think it was a big mistake. >> 11, the house has done its job. >> a big mistake. >> where's the leadship. >> with the election less than two months away negotiators seem poised to do as little as possible. >> i'm not confident at al. i'm not confident at all. i'm not confident at all. how do you like these reviews? incoherent, poorly managed. a.m. mature. no hope. going to have to make some changes. those are all words republicans used today to describe mitt romney's campaign. moments ago, sara palin and bill oreally offered this advice. >> we're in a world of hurt if we can't get the explanation to the word to the voters what the choices are.
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he should be aggressive and adamant in his attacks. he needs to be severely aggressive in his. >> you've god to use his buzz words. >> and here is rush limbaugh's advice. >> the romney campaign is going to have to make some changes. they're going to have to go ideological. they cannot continue on this obama mr. nice guy. they just can't do it. it isn't going to work. i'm not saying go out and say obama is a bad guy. the but he's got to be tied to this economy. his policies, his ideas, his ideology. liberalism is still a dirty word in this country. use it. >> how worried do they look? the editor in chief of the conservative news max website writes, the romney campaign has
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been poorly managed. they haven't staged their candidate well and their messaging has been int tecohere nicely. the wall street journal writes, mr. romney's preexisting political calculation seems to be he can win the election without having to explain the economic moment or even his own policies. with 56 days until the presidential election, today in florida bill clinton made this case for a second obama term. >> the test is not whether you think everything's honky dorry. if that were the test, the president would vote against himself. he says that everything is not honky dory. he knows what the problems are. the test is whether he's taking this in the right direction and the answer to that is yes. yes. >> today, the gallup poll shows
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president obama has reached 50% support among registered voters for the first time since april. he leads mitt romney by 6 points. today laura ingram offered mitt romney this prescription to make krit sims of his campaign disappear. >> mitt ram any should be up 5 or 6 parts. start winning these polls. the romney campaign stick their heads in the sand say business as usual, i think that is very dangerous. >> tonight nate silver's blog forecasts president obama will within 213 elek torl votes. mitt romney has a 20% chance of winning the election as of now.
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krystal ball, laura ingraham thinks the best thing for romney to do is win. would that mean rig the polls, just get in there and play with the numbers? >> you're asking me to get inside of laura ingraham's head which i don't think i'm capable of doing. >> it's interesting, because the advice has been all across the board to the extent there has been advice given. and a lot of people like limbaugh, and o-riley, are saying you've got to be more ideological. you've got to move harder to the right. and you're seeing already the fissures developing of what the conversations will be if they do lose in november and where the republican party is going to want to go. you can hear them positioning themselves to say real conservatism wasn't on the
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blalt. that's one piece that's interesting to me. the other piece was a lot of these folks during the primary have been skeptical of romney. there was a brief respite after he choice paul ryan. and now that they're seeing that ryan is -- i'm having a mic problem. >> he says that romney has to call president obama a socialist. the advice that these people give is so dumb. it's incredible. and he knows it's a lie. he knows that he likes medicare almost as much as president obama does. he's saying just lie about him
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and say it's a socialist. >> it's amazing and it shows something that we are learning about bill o-riley's mental state. they have lied about this president and called him a socialist and some other things. it is not working and they know it. so we're seeing the conservative crack-up. i have the experience here because i've worked on a losing presidential campaign. so i know something about what happens as people start to worry about you. krystal spoke to one piece. krystal's right, which is one part people are trying to get ready for their narrative. the other part is there is this desire to give advise, it's big in politics. everyone thinks they can do it better than you. laura ingraham, rush limbaugh, they all think mitt romney should be more right wing, more rude. we saw what rudeness to the president looked like with clint
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eastwood. i don't think that's what they need. >> krystal i think we have about five microphones on you now. you've been in campaigns. the campaign that is in trouble knows it's in trouble before the leading campaign knows that the other campaign is in trouble. that's what you're seeing is that the worry is breaking out on the republican side before the democratic side has any real right to start feeling confident. they are giving the democratic side confidence. >> and hopefully the democratic side will not get overconfident because things still can change. but if you look at the race, not just now, but if you look at the trajectory over the past couple of months, you will see the president has been sort of settling slightly in the lead. and obviously mitt romney had a chance to change that during the conventions and failed to shift that dynamic. so i think what you're seeing from conservative is not only a
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response to the polls but a response to the realization that this opportunity to reframe the race, to reframe mitt romney to could close that empathy gap has passed and they're not going to have another great opportunity to do that because debates are a tough time to introduce a candidate and make you feel farm and fuzzy about them. >> rupert murdoch is tweeting. he says, to win, romney must open big tent to sympathetic families. stop fearing far right which has no where else to go. otherwise, no hope. that sounds like a move to the middle piece of advice. >> it's move to the middle but it's a little bit like darth vader you need to be warmer in immediatings. this is a stretch, rupert is telling us to be sympathetic, have a big tent, he owns fox news.
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putting that all aside, yes. even the people committed to those strategies as a prophet and political project, are coming around saying that mitt romney has to find a new way to speak to indiana voters. it's fashion to say conventions are pointless nowadays, they're not. they're the one time that people hear directly from the candidates. they spoke directly to the public and they say here's our thing, it's really vague, it's negative and we don't like obama and the public said is that all you got? >> if i can speak to that, to a certain extent all politicians try to avoid going into the details because they're messy and particularly if you're talking about cuts nobody wants to hear that a popular program they like is going to be cut. but if you have built up a level of trust with the american people, then you're in a better position to say trust me on the details. the problem in particular for romney and ryan is there is no trust there, so there's no way that the american people are going to take this.
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trust me we've got a plan, and once you elect us we'll tell you what it is. that's not going to fly. >> the guy who's hiding his tax returns, is hiding what he will do to your tax returns. will he eliminate your mortgage deduction? what will he do to charitable donation deduction. he's hiding all that. there's an echo in there. >> and the more that we are parsing through what he has said, it's becoming increasingly apparent that the numbers just don't work. they can't fill in the details, because if they did it would become blatantly obvious that the numbers don't add up. >> thank you for joining us. >> coming up. democrats have the momentum after the conversation. we'll show you bill clinton speaking in florida tonight. and joining me next is julian castro. and later on the third party candidate who could tip the election even though he's only
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on the ballot in one state. that candidate will join me. and in the rewrite tonight, mitt romney promises to answer questions, and then, big surprise, doesn't answer questions.
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president obama's former budget director is now in favor of going off the fiscal cliff on january 1st. and today john baner said he's worried that that's exactly what will happen. and i will show thank you a new viewer design of our fiscal cliff button. this is the one that i designed with the team but we're going to show you a new one later tonight. and president obama said that texas could soon become a swing state. the new star of texas politics, san antonio mayor and democratic convention keynote speaker, julian castro joins me next. this country was built by working people.
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to help make sure everyone's ready with the know how we need for a new tomorrow. [ male announcer ] make sure america's ready. make sure you're ready. at ♪ understood if you a . if you're looking for the future, i think the president's budget is better, meets the arithmetic test. i think the health care plan is better. i know the higher education plan is better. i know the energy plan is better. and i know the economic plan is better. and i know it will not amount to a hill of beans if you don't register and vote and get your friends to. so do it. thank you. and god bless you all. >> that's former president bill clinton trying to keep the democratic momentum going in miami last night after last week's successful democratic
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convention. in a new gallup poll say 43% of americans say what they saw at the convention makes them more likely to vote for president obama. the man they saw give the keynote address at the convention made history by being the first latino keynote speaker in the history of the convention. >> in the end, the american dream drsh the american dream is not even a sprint or a marathon. but a relay. our parents don't always cross the finish line in the span of one generation, but each generation passes on to the next the fruits of their labor. my graundmother never owned a house. she cleaned other people's houses so she could afford to rent her own. but she saw her daughter become the first in her family to graduate from college. and my mother fought hard for civil rights so that instead of a mop, i could hold this
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microphone. >> and that man joins me now, san antonio mayor, julian castro. mr. mayor, you've been greeted with an awful lot of speculation after giving that speech about your political future. were you surprised that by stepping on to that stage in that role there's already talk of your presidential campaign in 2016? >> well, first of all, good to be with you, lawrence. it's very flattering, but you know, i'm trying to take it all in stride. trying not to let my head get too big. i certainly expected that being on that stage that it would generate a lot of media, but i'm flattered by the talk. but that's never going to happen. >> and what do you think is the essence of what has given the democrats and president obama this measurable bounce coming out of that convention? >> well, several folks at the convention did a very good job
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of putting the clear choice that we have in this election into focus. president clinton i think made it very clear what we have is a president under whose leadership we're making significant progress in this country. as he said today in florida, we're not where we want to be, but we have seen now 30 straight months of private sector job growth, 4.6 million new jobs created. we're going in the right direction. it looks like consumer confidence may be, you know, getting stronger. michelle obama did a wonderful job of sharing the values that she and the president have and the values that they share in common with all americans and how they see the country. and president obama himself did a stellar job of laying out the challenges that we've had over the last 3 1/2 years and how he sees the future.
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so it's not a surprise that when voters saw that convention and they also saw the republican convention, that he's seen a bounce in the polls. and i believe if they can keep explaining to the american people this clear choice that we have, then that's going to carry out all the way through election night. >> what roll do you think you can play in this campaign that will helpful to the president and the democrats. it seems unlikely that you could turn texas at this time into a democratic state. are there other areas in the country where you think you should be able to go and help the president. >> i'm going to go where ever i'm asked to. i was in north carolina and virginia right after the convention. i'm going to go out west to nevada and colorado and probably to florida by the end of the campaign. so, you know, i have a boring pass, i'll travel whereevery i need to go and still be mayor of san antonio and take care of my
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duties here. but it's a very important election to me and i want to make sure i do everything i can to re-elect the president. you're right about texas. this year i have no doubt that it's not going to go democratic. but many folks think that in the years to come, with the demographic changes, with the number of folks who are moving into texas because of the economic boom from other states, more moderate states, and importantly, because the republican party in texas, has all 29 statewide offices, the super majority in the house and almost a super majority in the texas senate and they've become far to the right. i think they're leaving the business community here in texas behind. they're leaving a whole bunch of folks behind and that's going to create the opportunity for democrats to capture not just the left but the middle in the future. >> you seem to be having fun with this speculation about your political future, and i just wanted to show the audience this video that you released recently
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having some fun with that. >> should i run for higher office? >>. (speaking spanish) of course you should. you were just in the national spotlight. must we make all of your decisions. >> thank you siri. it's been a delightful conversation. >> you're welcome, mr. presidente. >> i hope your voters get the joke, mr. mayor. >> i hope they do, too. that was for the local grid iron, the journalists raising money it happened to coincide right before the convention speech. so, you know, what i said yesterday was the minute that we can't laugh at ourselves, we have bigger problems. >> mayor castro, thank you very much for joining us tonight. >> thank you. >> coming up, mitt romney is in
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the rewrite again tonight. i will ask him the questions that he refuses to answer. and no, there will be no empty chair involved. and next, where one day closer to going off the cliff. we'll see how worried they are about going off the cliff and if they like our new off the cliff button design. that's coming up. smart comes with 8 airbags, a crash management system and the world's only tridion safety cell which can withstand over three and a half tons. small in size. big on safety. as part of a heart healthy diet. that's true. ...but you still have to go to the gym. ♪ the one and only, cheerios with less chronic osteoarthritis pain. imagine living your life with less chronic low back pain.
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and woman who responded to that tragedy. we honor them and we honor those who secure our safety even to this day. >> and somewhere, a son is growing up with his father's eyes and a daughter has her mother's laugh. living reminders that those who died are with us still. god bless the memories of those with lost. and god bless these united states of america. i didn't think it was anything. i had pain in my abdomen... it just wouldn't go away. i was spotting, but i had already gone through menopause. these symptoms may be nothing... but they could be early warning signs of a gynecologic cancer,
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lance marr of fayetville, arkansas. this morning john boehner was asked how confident was he that he could avoid going over the fiscal cliff on new year's avenue. >> i'm not confident at all. >> john boehner, not confident at all. so day by day, we keep moving closer to going off the cliff which is the only way to defeat grover norquist and his pledge signers at their own game, at midnight, at new year's eve, all of the bush tax cuts will expire to president obama and president obama, if he is re-elected, will be able to president congressional republicans then with a tax cut proposal. his tax cut proposal. and because of the pledge they
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signed to grover norquist, the republicans must vote for it. because it is a tax cut. on cnbc, former budget director peter orzog walked us off the cliff on the eve of the second obama term. >> the most likely scenario is we go over the cliff and there's a deal that's cut in early january in which you combine a more progressive tax cut than what would have just expired with some entitlement reform. >> do you think he gives in to republicans when it comes to taxes on the well think or not? >> no, i don't think so. that's why i don't think you have a deal with the end of this year. i think you go over the fiscal cleave, everything expires and the administration comes back with some sort of universal tax cut that is universal, it app applies to everyone. no class warfare there. but it's a lot more progressive and kind of even across the
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income distribution than the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts. >> as for the fears that going off the cliff on new year's eve would result in economic disaster, the former budget director explained as we have on this program, that there is a big difference between going off the cliff and staying off the cliff. >> is that going to be enough to avoid a recession in 2013? even the concongressional budget office is saying we will see it because it's not being addressed. >> what they're saying is if you go over the clif and stay there, that is such a fiscal constraint that that will cause a rescissirecessio recession. >> joining me now the former labor secretary and the author of the book "beyond outrage" and the political correspondent for guardian u.s. bob reich, it's conservative
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careful people yeah we're just going to have to go off the cliff. >> yes, we are going to have to go off the cliff. and i think the key here is that we are going to get a budget deal out of this that is much more progressive. that really doesn't give all of the tax breaks to the wealthy. it's much more equitable. it doesn't mean that the cuts in the poor depend on and the republicans will have to sign on because there will be a tax cut there. as grover norquist and the irony of grover norquist's admonition is going to be very present in january. the other important here is they will be retro active to january 1st. everything that congress decides maybe it's january 20th, so there won't be any long-term
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fiscal damage. >> one of the things for the president to manage under this situation is reassuring the public that don't worry, we're going to fix this. and you won't be damaged tax-wise. but at the same time, allowing the sensation that they will be damaged to be the political motivation for the political class in washington to fix this thing. there's a little bit of a magic trick that they have to pull off here. >> well, it is unfortunate. because you know, when standard and poor's down graded us and now it looks like moody's might down grade us's well. what they often cite is our inability to make a budget deal and also the political, as i'm quoting here, the political brinkmanship that's involved. when we start talking about a budget and we use the credit waiting and the debt ceiling and this fiscal cliff as a bargaining chip and not as a data point, i think it is not
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the way we're supposed to be talking about things. and it really does have a big impact on our ability to actually move forward with things. >> but robert reich that's why i think the comments are so important. there will be more like them as we move closer and closer. to get all the credit raters and the people who are watching this from outside of government to understand exactly how this will work. that yes, on new year's eve we will go off the cliff and then the next day the congress will go into emergency session to fix this. and actually be able to, if we talk about it enough over time, be able to show those observers that this is actually the way to end up with the best policy in january of next year. >> yes. and what moody's today expressed some concern about, and another credit rating agencies and other observers are concerned about is not that we will not have a current budget deal.
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it's the current budget deal that forces us over the cliff january 2nd is going to cause a recession and all sorts of economic calamity in the united states. in other words, the credit rating agencies are actually on the other side of the fence from the fence they were on a year ago when they said what we're really concerned about is you're not cutting the budget enough. right now moody's is saying oh, my gosh, you're going to be cutting the budget too much, you're going to be raising the taxes too much. what everybody has got to real yiesz is take a deep breath and understand what we want at the end is a budget deal that is not a republican deal that basically gives all the tax breaks to the wealthy and at at same time cuts all the programs that most americans depend on and simultaneously acknowledges that right now, although the budget deficit is a problem in the future, it's not a problem right now. we've got a jobs problem, a growth problem in this country. it's not a budget deficit
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problem. we can borrow from international markets right now at the cheapest rates we've been able to borrow. that's not a budget deficit problem. >> the tax component of going off the cliff is the one that's the most difficult to solve. the spending cuts wouldn't be that hard to solve if they got together on that. but ana mar re, the news polls show that 50% now say they trust president obama on handling taxes. 43% say they trust mitt romney on handling taxes. the president seems to be winning this tax argument. >> i wonder if someone has to do with someone's missing tax returns. there's some trust issues involved in mitt romney's own personal finances, i think. but there is kind of a wonderful -- the fiscal cliff is a scary sounding thing, but sometimes when i'm thinking about it, i picture the returns
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grasping on to the no tax cuts for the rich as they fall off the cliff. they really are taking it for the team, i guess, or taking it for the rich, for mitt romney in this particular scenario. they have been so intransjent about tax cuts to the wealthy, that that's their legacy here. and the fact that he won't release his own tax returns and the fact that he's been unable to escape the brand of being an out of touch rich guy, it looks bad for the fall for him. >> thank you very much for joining me tonight. >> thanks. coming up, even republicans are angry at mitt romney's refusal to answer questions about his tax policy. i will ask mitt romney those questions next in the rewrite. and later, the third party candidate who really could cost mitt romney a decisive swing state. we'll get tonight's last word. copd makes it hard to breathe,
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mitt romney's driving everyone krasy including republicans with his refusal to answer questions about policy. i will ask mitt romney those questions next in the rewrite. and republicans are now panicked about a popular politician in virginia running as a third-party candidate who could crush mitt romney's chances of winning that state. you will meet that candidate coming up. hey! did you know that honey nut cheerios has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good?
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>> if you want to know my position on issues, ask me and i'll tell you. >> okay, mitt. in tonight's rewrite, then, i will play the part of people who have asked you your position on issues, and you have refused to tell them your position on issues. i will use their questions word for word, and your responses word for word. your responses of course are not actually spans. they are just romney words that don't mean anything or add anything to our understanding of your position on issues. i think you'll be able to guess whose questions these are especially when we show you the picture of the person who actually asked the question. first question. you say your tax cut plan will eliminate loop who else and deductions. can you give me an example of a loophole that you will close. >> well, i can tell you the
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people at the high end, high income taxpayers, are going to have fewer deductions and exemptions. >> when are you going to tell us where you're going to get the revenue? which of the deductions are you going to be willing to elimin e eliminate? >> well, we'll go through that process with congress as to which of all the different deductions -- >> but do you have any ideas now like the home mortgage interest deduction? >> well, simpson bowles went through a process where they had actually under their proposal even more revenue for the government with lower rates. so mathematically it's been proved to be possible. we can have lower rates that creates more growth and we can limit tt deductions and exemptions. >> actually, mitt, simpson/bowles proposed cutting tax rates they were specific about it including the home mortgage deduction, all of them. so yeah, we can do the math on
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simpson/bowles but we can't do the math on your proposal because you don't actually propose getting rid of any tax deductions and loopholes and tax shelters like your cayman islands tax shelters. so don't you go comparing yourself to simpson/bowles which your buddy paul ryan actually voted against, because you've made none, none of the tough choices simpson/bowles has made. paul ryan hasn't made those choices either. but i digress. next question. and this is a real, easy yes or no question. the president has said the government will no longer seek to deport 8 hundred thousand of these immigrants. would you repeal this order if you became president? >> well, it would be overtaken by events, if you will, by virtue of my putting in place a long-term solution with legislation which creates law
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that relates to these individuals such that they know what their setting is going to be. not just for the term of the president but on a permanent basis. >> i won't keep on about this, but just to make sure i understand, would you leave this in place while you were worked out a long-term solution or would you just repeal it? >> we'll look at that setting as we reach that, but my anticipation is i would come into office and say we need to get this done on a long-term bases. not this kind of a stopgap measure. >> okay. so there's no way you're going to answer whether you're repeal it so let's move on. you said a few years back, quote, i don't line up with the nra. is that still true? >> well, on every single issue, there are differences between myself and the nra. on many issues we share a common commitment to the second amendment and the right of people to bear arms but i'm sure from time to time there will be
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issues where they and i might part. i don't have one for you right now, but their agenda is not entirely identical with my own. i don't know that i line up a hundred percent with almost anybody. >> what is it that is preventing you from releasing the rest of your returns? >> well, one, i've released all the information about my financial holdings. that's required by law. and then in addition beyond the law i realized or will finally release, when the last year is complete, two years of full return. and what we've noted is our democrat friends take what's there, twist it, distort it, dishonestly use it in attack ads. i don't want to give them more material than required. >> have you sought or obtain amnesty in the irs for potential tax frauding or felonies regarding your accounts? have you? no one has actually asked him
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that question. if i was allowed one question to mitt romney tonight, that would be my one question. if the debate moderators do their jobs correctly, we will have mitt romney's video response to that question next month. but of course, it won't be an actual answer. it will just be romney words. >> if you want to know my position on issues, ask me, and i'll tell you. if you want to me my position on issues, ask me and i'll tell you. if you want to know my position on issues, ask me and i'll tell you. ♪ [ male announcer ] the first only the beginning. ♪ ♪ introducing a stunning work of technology. ♪
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if the path to victory in elect toerl college kosh topped by goode. he will be on the presidential ballot in that battle ground state where president obama and mitt romney are one 1% apart. if virgil goode secures between 3 and 4% in his old congressional district alone, he could get more than 1% of the vote statewide, that's enough to make the difference in this election. so who will virgil goode pull votes from? former congress man goode is a
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former democrat turned republican and is now the presidentialal candidate of the conservative constitution party. with 13 votes at state, the republican party is trying to knock him off the ballot. and knojoining me now for the interview is virgil goode. you've got donald trump really angry. this is going to scare you because you're an out of towner here in new york. you're in trump country. he tweeted and said the republicans must get virgil goode out of the race in virginia. he will take votes away from mitt romney. i was watching you when i read that to see how scared you are. >> not too scared. we will get some votes from romney voters but we'll get a lot of votes from obama voters. a lot of straight arrow, yellow
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dog democrats who would never vote for a republican but they would vote for me. some of them voted for me when i was a democrat in the state legislature, and some as a democrat in congress, but i know some friends of mine that were dem crates when i ran as a republican, they put by sign up but they put my sign up this year. >> you're on the ballot in exactly one state. >> no. i'm on the ballot in 25 to 30 states. and on the write-in ballot. >> this is the state where we can actually see where you could make a difference. >> i think we're going to make a difference in ohio. i was there this past weekend. we had three nevada did well. >> they know who are you in virginia. >> i have name identity in other states. >> it's going to be much harder for you to get a message out about you being more conservative than romney, which
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is your basic pitch. >> no. i'm better on the issues than romney, some things i'm not, romney and obama are basically the guided by the super pacs. i'm not taking any pac money. we need a grass roots candidate for president. no pac money, individual donations limited to $200. time for grass roots citizens to have a president that's focused on them rather than the super pacs. >> you've seen what happened to ralph nader in 2000 when he was perceived to have robbed the election from al gore in florida by taking more votes than al gore needed to win in that state. you saw the ross perot factor. bill clinton won with 43% of the vote because of him. when the third party candidate affects the outcome of the
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election, people kind of hate the third party candidate. >> that may be true but our message that america needs to get back on track. balancing the budget, on jobs, focusing first on jobs for u.s. citizens. by totally ending illegal immigration. >> are you ready for the heat that's going to -- >> i've already got a lot of heat, because some of the team romney operatives -- they're listening to donald trump instead of the people on the street. the people on the street are saying they're not card carrying republicans. they're just average citizens saying we don't like obama, we don't like romney. we're glad to sign your petition and we're going to vote for you in the general election. >> it shows that obama is reading romney 40-55 but when we put your name into the poll, the president's numbers hold at 50 and romneyoe